Depreciation is the easiest way to calculate how much you lose or earn when holding on to an item over time. Simply input two dates and two values, and our app will tell you how much the asset depreciated daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. Track the value of anything from cars to furniture to real estate investments. With Depreciation, you can make smarter decisions about when to sell or replace your assets. Don't let depreciation be a mystery any longer. Download Depreciation now and take control of your finances!

Depreciation(折旧)是计算您持有物品时损失或获得多少的最简单方法。只需输入两个日期和两个数值,我们的应用程序就会告诉您资产每天,每周,每月和每年的折旧情况。跟踪从汽车到家具再到不动产投资的任何东西的价值。有了 Depreciation,您可以更明智地决定何时出售或更换您的资产。不再让折旧成为一个谜。立即下载 Depreciation,并掌握您的财务状况!
